WorkForce Mobility System

0 Reviews
Deployed by 8 companies

Build a deeper understanding of your asset’s health

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Workforce Mobility connects people with assets to manage any type of activity including planned and reactive work, training, safety, and audits. Functional as a standalone solution or integrated with existing software, Workforce Mobility collates information from multiple sources into a single user interface to build a deeper understanding of an asset’s health.

Pros & Limitations
Complete tasks, punch lists & inspections
Coordinate & collaborate in real-time
Capture photos, videos & audio
Manage jobs, locations, assets & issues
Easily access relevant information
Report incidents or request new servicesReport incidents or request new services
Configure custom attributes
Eliminated rework with reviews & approvals
Require configuration (no self service)
Integration isn’t plug and play (requires middleware)
Specification Title Specification Description
Asset Management
Connects people with assets to manage any type of activity including planned and reactive work, training, safety, and audits.
Manage any activity across internal teams and contractors.
Build, edit and add customisable form templates for inspections, checklists, safety and training​.
Operate in areas of low or no Internet connectivity.
Response time
Receive real-time feedback from the field with reviews and approvals, ensuring that work quality and business processes are maintained.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Inefficient engineering data management is a global problem that many industries experience, particularly in relation to complex asset Operations and Maintenance (O&M). Relying on poor engineering data management systems can lead to serious safety incidents, unnecessary downtime, increased operational costs, inefficient handovers, and reduced profit. Purpose-built for O&M, RedEye ensures seamless asset operations and maintenance across all areas of an organisation in a user-friendly software-as-a-service platform.

RedEye Apps develops digital engineering and SaaS solutions with organisations around the world that own and operate complex assets and critical infrastructure.

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