Algorithms & Machine Learning

1 Review
Deployed by 4 companies

Tailor made algorithms and machine learning capabilities in the inspection process

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Because Cursor AM captures thousands of pictures, it creates a very valuable database. Every image is geotagged and stored in order to be used in future trend analysis. In regular inspection procedures, only the point of interests are being logged. Therefore it becomes impossible to back track significant events on a specific asset. Cursor AM enables the asset owners to easily access asset information of a specific area when no point of interest was flagged in previous inspections.

Pros & Limitations
Easy selection of many pictures
Easy implementation of massive data in your inspection process
Algorithms don’t get tired
Trend analyses
Predictive Asset Management
Highly detailed inspections without putting employees in dangerous situations
Inspection method avoids ATEX zones
Robotising inspection
Not ATEX certified
Reliant on external imageing resolution
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Corrosion detection: metals, alkali-silica reaction | Cracks: concrete, steel/aluminium, wood, paint/coating | Leakage: gas, liquids | Solar panels: defects | Wood rot
Certifications / licences
In progress of certification ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO27001, VCA.
A variety of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles such as drones | Remote controlled boats, cars or sonar equipment
Images gathered from Unmanned Vehicles.
Corrosion detection | Crack detection | Leakage | Solar panels | Wood rot
Images stored in database. Usefull in root cause analysis.

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Cursor Asset Management enables highly detailed inspections without putting employees in dangerous situations. We enable fully automated inspections by robotising the process. Cursor AM achieves this by implementing our tailor made algorithms and machine learning capabilities in the inspection processes of our customers.

We ensure a quickly available, reliable output that can safely be implemented in current inspection services.

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