Accelerated Materials Design

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Deployed by 1 company

Develop better materials, faster through advanced simulations

Page last modified
April 11 2024

SCM enables researchers to more quickly develop better molecules, materials, and chemical processes. Through advanced computational chemistry and materials modeling software focus on the most promising candidate materials and process conditions for the next generation of batteries, solar cells, catalysts ,and other materials which will drive the energy transition.

Pros & Limitations
Reduced R&D costs
Shorter development time
Less wasteful experiments
Prioritize most relevant experiments and promising candidate materials
Find novel molecule & material candidates in silico
It will not replace experiments
Certain properties tough to predict through modeling
Specification Title Specification Description
Computational chemistry, materials modeling, and fluid thermodynamics.
Machine learning
Machine learned potentials and QSPR predictive models.
Co-created new functionality, e.g. multi-scale catalytic process optimization.
Molecular, materials, and solvent mixture properties.
Simulation tools
Atomistic modeling
Reduce R&D time and costs through advanced modeling.
Data Analysis
Advanced analytics for material properties optimization.


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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With a passion for science, SCM has been developing computational chemistry software for many decades. Collaborating with researchers worldwide, SCM is committed to producing high-quality and user-friendly tools for understanding and predicting molecules, materials, and chemical processes. We strive to enable researchers to excel in their expertise, driving innovation for the next generation of materials and processes through insight at the atomistic level. Helping researchers to develop better materials, quicker.

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