
0 Reviews
Deployed by 12 companies

Drive savings on emissions, energy use and costs

Page last modified
June 28 2024

emissions.AI is a digital solution that helps carbon intensive companies to decarbonise their operations and reduce emissions, energy and fuel costs.

The first of its kind, emissions.AI is a sophisticated technology solution created specifically for complex facilities.

It contextualises operational emissions and leverages engineering first principles, analytics, and AI to identify hidden operational inefficiencies, improvements and opportunities for lower emissions.

The way that carbon intensive facilities are operated can affect operational emissions and costs by up to 7.5% every year.


Pros & Limitations
UNDERSTAND and minimise emissions from operations
REDUCE operational inefficiencies and losses
OPTIMISE energy use and power consumption
SAVE on energy, fuel and carbon costs
AUTOMATE -​​ Spend less time and effort on calculations, data analysis and accuracy validation
MONITOR - Understand energy use, emissions and costs at facility, process and equipment levels
DISCOVER - Identify hidden operational inefficiencies, improvements and prioritise reduction opportunities
INSIGHTS -​​ Know where to focus, better inform strategic and operational decisions and actions
INTELLIGENCE -​​ Share granular data and best practice across crews / facilities and embed a culture of carbon awareness
Impact -​​ Replicate early success and scale across the enterprise to fast-track decarbonisation journey
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Oil, gas and energy. Chemicals.
emissions.AI can be used by your own teams (as a product-based solution) or our experts can provide insights and intelligence directly to your teams to act upon through a managed service.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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As the largest global pure play sustainability consultancy, ERM partners with the world’s leading organizations, creating innovative solutions to sustainability challenges and unlocking commercial opportunities that meet the needs of today while preserving opportunity for future generations. In the Digital Products Division, we’re committed to deploying the latest in digital technologies to build solutions that help our customers to deliver their own sustainability ambitions.

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