Smart Vessel Optimizer

0 Reviews
Deployed by 3 companies

Data Driven Fleet Optimization

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Smart Vessel Optimizer is designed to create insights from the many different systems that are available on a vessel and onshore. These insights give detailed information on several levels of vessel performance. With our ecological view, a vessel operator receives a constant update on the emissions, large consumers, unnecessary consumption and more.  The Operational visuals share detailed insights on vessel operation, whether, manouvres and daily operations. The Technical area highlights asset performance features condition-based and predictive maintenance and ready to use asset templates to drive uptime and first-time-right support. With the financial reports, you receive the hourly cost status of the vessels and fleet. 

The operation is supported with benchmarking vessel and asset operation within the fleet and over time. This way best practices are highlighted and serve as benchmarks for lesser performing vessels/assets. By measuring all these different variables Smart Vessel Optimizer creates windows op opportunity to seriously improve operations, profit and decrease the footprint. 

With our Plug and Play module, the PHAROS ONE shipping companies can start tomorrow and seriously decrease the need for installation works. This way you have the full architecture needed to start with your digital journey. From data logging capacity & connectivity to AI cloud-based dashboards. Plugging in the PHAROS ONE gives an easy start and allows heavy customization with unlimited tags, flexible sample rates, and different extension modules. 

Pros & Limitations
Unlock different data sources and create one structured data set
Share vital information with anyone that can act and improve your business
Delivered with prepared dashboards that can be adapted easily to give customer specific or extra information
Data transfer between systems
Start small and extendable to vast amounts of data logging
AI and predictive maintenance modules
Plug and play extensions for fuel/emissions/trend/predict and simulation modules
Over 100 industrial communication protocols available
Suitable for refit as well for newbuild vessels
Retrieving data from ‘unconnected’ assets can mean some installation/running cables through the vessel
Specification Title Specification Description
Data Analytics
Highly scalable system by using best in class industrial hardware and software.
Based on industrial software licencing.
Strong historian capability to store, sort and prepare data effectively for visualisation.
Remote Monitoring
Monitor vessel/fleet performance from any device anywhere in the world.
Set automatic reports to keep track of performance and share information easily.
Pharos One box allows direct access to vital data without installation/downtime.
System Characterization
Get a detailed view of the operational profile and choose new vessels better fit for purpose.
Adapt visuals/insights specifically for your operation and need.
Predictive Maintenance
Extendable with predictive maintenance modules. | Set alarms at specific thresholds.
Data Transfer
Share data with other systems. | Share running hours/loads with your plant maintenance system automatically.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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TechBinder aims to improve human-machine interaction by using new technologies. We believe in the power of combining technology that is already out there. This way we can innovate fast and deliver easy to use scalable and cyber-secure solutions. We do this by partnering with strong technology providers with a proven track record. We focus on maritime and industrial operations where we design of the shelf solutions and help customers with specific needs. 

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