Offshore & Onshore Water Treatment

0 Reviews
Deployed by 7 companies

Engineering oil-free water

Page last modified
April 11 2024

OLEOLOGY provides a range of advanced, highly efficient services, onboard water treatment systems for offshore and onshore oil and gas industry effluent management. While other oil water separators (OWS) rely on mechanical separation or chemicals, MyCelx chemically bonds with oil and other contaminants at a molecular level. This means oils, hydrocarbons, and other contaminants are removed almost completely without any water loss. 


Pros & Limitations
Contaminant levels reduced to less than 1ppm (part per million)
Environmentally friendly solution
Easy to install, low maintenance, and cost effective
Can be customised to meet your flow rate and discharge requirements in a small footprint
OLEOLOGY system can also be set as a retrofit system
Not suitable for potable water
Specification Title Specification Description
< 1 ppm effluent discharge systems
Areas of Application
Oil and Gas | Marine | Mining | Urban Water Filtration | Waste Water Treatment
Oil Water Separation | Oil Spill Kits | Water Sanitation
Full-scale water treatment system for an offshore rig | A smaller localised system for an oil-water separator
Technical Support
Assists with upgrades and modernisation of existing systems as required | Technical expertise and the latest technologies for our clients
Other Contaminates
Remove PFAS to below detectable levels


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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OLEOLOGY is an Australian based company that’s committed to creating cleaner water for our clients throughout Australia and New Zealand. We offer advanced oil and hydrocarbon removal solutions that make recycling and decontaminating water quicker, simpler, and more cost-effective.

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