Inspectivity Platform

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Deployed by 6 companies

Paperless, cloud-based inspection software

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Inspectivity’s advanced computing technologies bring together technical knowhow and unique industry workflows to create a trusted digital inspection solution for the minerals, energy and engineering sectors. Through digital transformation we are allowing inspectors to complete tasks online faster, with greater accuracy and reliability. The outcome is a globally connected team with more time at hand to review and improve asset performance and outputs.

Pros & Limitations
Design and configure digital inspection forms to support any asset-centric use case
Improve productivity and inspection throughput with automated reporting whilst following a standardised process
Enable global collaboration supporting fast decision making for reviews and management of critical issues
Support seamless and real time connectivity between your ERP "source of truth" and field verification activities
Project risk is reduced through higher-quality data, full audit trail and set the foundations for future automation opportunity
Mobile app supports only Android
Specification Title Specification Description
Asset Management
Digital asset inspection platform enables teams to complete tasks faster, with greater accuracy and reliability.
The flexibility of the platform enables support for any inspection use case across full project lifecycle (construction through operations).
By integrating Inspectivity’s digital inspection API (REST) with other business-critical systems engineering assessment is empowered with greater visibility of the entire asset base.
The Inspectivity Platform provides a powerful solution to manage defects/punches, assessment, reinspection, and ultimately closeout.
You can run engineering analysis, leverage Big Data, and ultimately implement predictive plant maintenance.
Inspectivity delivers instant inspection intelligence by providing the flexibility to generate high-quality, customised asset inspection reports.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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The Inspectivity Platform is an advanced mobile and cloud solution for engineering inspection and asset management. Our digital inspection software brings together technical know-how and unique industry workflows to make it easier to connect teams, manage workflows, and keep track of assets. This value translates to new asset intelligence embedded and shared in your inspection platform such as automated compliance, asset visibility and powerful analytics.

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