HCR - Hydrocarbon Recovery Technology

0 Reviews
Deployed by 3 companies

Turning crude oil sludge waste, into wealth

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Our HCR - Hydrocarbon Recovery technology is demonstrably greener, cheaper and safer than all conventional methods available today, in cleaning crude oil storage tanks, pipelines or oil tanker cargo holds. Whilst cleaning it also converts the paraffinic sludge waste back into profitable onspec crude oil. Hence the slogan "Waste to Wealth". No heat control or additional processing required. Sludge waste is converted back into an asset. No man entry and no expensive additional heavy equipment required therefore, helping our O&G customers reach net zero.

Pros & Limitations
Greener: No heat is required to warm the pipelines or tanks to soften the sludge. A massive reduction in Co2 emmissions. Very small quantity of chemical required.
Safer: Eliminates 'man entry' into tanks when cleaning. No HSE risk associated with temperature control or high pressure (steam etc) and no heavy equipment required to move from tank to tank on site.
Cheaper: Our cost to the user is low enough that our customers will usually earn a genuine net-profit from the value of the hydrocarbons we recover from their sludge, whilst we clean.
Quicker: As we clean tanks in-situ, without needing external expensive equipment, this means we can clean multiple tanks simultaneously in an average of 30 days.
Cleaner: No need for waste disposal or clean up, as waste is now turned to an asset (on-spec liquid crude) and kept inside the vessel or pipeline.
Simpler: 1 gallon of HCR - Hydrocarbon Recovery formula is enough to treat an average of 382 gallons of sludge in the most efficient way on the market to date.
Proven: Has been used on over 250+ applications in storage tanks, pipelines, wells and oil tanker ships.
Customers will need to try a small sample of HCR against their own sludge before we know exactly what dosage is required.
If clients wish to have non-oily sediment removed from tanks post treatment, we can offer a full turnkey solution, that will have additional costs, but still achieve a genuine NET profit.
Specification Title Specification Description
ATEX certified
Safe for use in Storage Tanks, Pipelines, Wells and Oil Tanker
One off clean - or preventative intraveneous dosing available
Containerized footprint
Avilable in 55 gallon drums or larger square totes (250 - 1000 gallon)
Cheaper than all of our conventional competitors as no heat, robots or centrifgues needed
Non man entry
Tanks cleaned, hazardous material removed, no person required inside
Return on Investment
For every $1m spent on HCR, end users can expect an average recovery value of $2m - 3m profit as we turn "waste to wealth".
SDS's available


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Servicing the global Oil and Gas industries, Protech has formed a consortium of engineering professionals and scientists to provide the world’s most advanced environmental technology in sustainable Waste Remediation. Their mission is to convert ‘Waste to Wealth’ for their clients so that end users instantly achieve a net profit from the waste in their crude pipelines, storage tanks, wells and oil tankers. Whilst accelerating efforts towards net zero by the absence of heat or heavy equipment.

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