THOR | THermal Oil Recovery

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Deployed by 3 companies

Precision downhole heating, unlocking potential in your wells

Page last modified
December 4 2024

Cavitas Energy's THOR (THermal Oil Recovery) system unlocks production potential through patented, precision wellbore heating technology. This innovative system maximizes oil mobility and transforms underperforming wells into profitable assets.

THOR's targeted heating technology creates predictable and stable temperatures, decreasing viscosity, ensuring effective wax dissolution and enhanced chemical performance. The system's robust design delivers reliable operation while maintaining simplicity and minimizing environmental impact.

We designed THOR to solve the industry's toughest thermal recovery challenges. It reduces energy consumption, enhances production efficiency, and delivers consistent results. When conventional methods fall short, THOR opens new possibilities.

Discover how THOR can unlock your heavy oil potential and transform your operations. The future of thermal oil recovery is here.

Pros & Limitations
Achieve thermal EOR in previously discounted wells, unlocking field potential
Increase production rates by lowering fluid viscosity
Mitigate waxes and asphaltenes by increasing temperature in the wellbore
Increase recoverable reserves by allowing fluid to flow
Unlocks heavy oil reserves that have been uneconomical or previously locked out by lack of technology or local environmental restrictions
Reduce frictional losses across the system
Improves efficiency of the installed artificial lift system (over 50% has been proven in some deployments)
Low carbon solution with zero/negative options available for powering the system.
Not suitable in tubing 2-7/8" or smaller.
Not suitable in casing 10-3/4" or larger
Maximum temperature is 500 degF
Specification Title Specification Description
THOR can be used in both injection and production wells, uses include heavy oil, waxy wells and chemical stabilization.
Well specifications
Currently, THOR works most efficiently in wells with Permeability above 100mD, Viscosity above 200cP (6-20API), and production under 3000BPD
IP protection
THOR is patent protected in the UK, Europe and USA.
Patents are currently pending in the Middle East
Return on investment
ROI has typically been achieved in 30-50 days
Asset life extension
THOR has been modelled extensively (internally, academia, operators and service companies) to show that if utilized on greenfield heavy oil developments it can increase the productive life of the field by 9 or more years.
THOR is less sensitive to water quality than some other forms of thermal EOR technology leading to the use of less chemicals and therefore environmental improvement.
Thermal conductivity
THOR has a much higher energy density than comparable solutions. Generally in the 30-50kW per meter range.
Sizing consideration
THOR is available in sizes ranging from 2.7" to 5.62"
Maximizing chemical efficiency
THOR can be used to hold a specific temperature in a specific area of the wellbore, maximizing the effectiveness of any chemicals pumped and minimizing any wastage.
Temperature control
THOR can be integrated into existing control systems (or one can be provided) to provide temperature control accurate to 0.5 degF giving the ability for the temperature to be controlled by authorised personnel anywhere in the world.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Cavitas Energy is an enhanced oil recovery specialist supporting the international oil and gas service industry

Investing heavily in targeted research and development to deliver innovative solutions and technology to the global market.

Cavitas is part of the Valor Energy group of companies. Valor, a group of Oil and Gas companies collaborating to achieve exceptional standards of production, performance, and assurance with a mantra of thinking differently and solving collectively.


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