Electric Welding Tractor PW150-E

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Deployed by 1 company

Made for big things – designed down to detail

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The present social trend towards sustainable technologies has left its mark on the construction industry. The issue of environmental protection is particularly gaining in importance. As a result MAX STREICHER developed the electric welding tractor PW150-E.

Thanks to its electric designed drive system, the welding tractor’s CO2-emissions are significantly reduced. The result is an increased cost efficiency of the machine as energy consumption, operating and maintenance costs are reduced to a minimum. Moreover, the new welding tractor is more environment-friendly than its previous models. New chain drive units with larger track shoes where the ground pressure is significantly reduced are just one example.

There are also noticeable improvements in functionality. The chassis and the drive components are matched to one another in such a way that the welding tractor has a high ground clearance, which makes it particularly suitable for off-road use. The electric drive also gives the operator the option of precisely controlling the welding tractor even on steep terrains. As the safety brakes of the PW150-E have an automatic opening and closing mechanism, unintentional rolling of the machine on the terrain is made impossible. Another new feature is its control system by means of a combined radio remote control – it allows an intuitive handling of the crane and drive system without having to switch between two separate systems. This allows for better and more efficient work. The ideal field of vision resulting from the operation by the combined remote control furthermore guarantees the highest level of safety for all working personnel in the working environment allowing the operator freely choose his or her individual position during operation.

Pros & Limitations
CO2-emission reductions because of electric drive concept
High-ground clearance
Minimised ground pressure
High adaption for all terrains
High control precision due to electric drive system
Platform with integrated lifting crane, power generation, transport boxes and power distributor
Control by radio remote control
Comparatively significantly reduced operating, service and maintenance costs
Alternative energy through hydrogen currently not yet available
Specification Title Specification Description
CO2-emission reductions because of electric drive concept, resulting in green job site footprint
CE certificated welding tractor
Cost reduction
Lower maintenance, operation and service costs
Areas of application
Adaption to all terrains possible
Well developed steering technologies result in high accuracy
Installed safety platform cover the track of the caterpillar and thus prevent possible trapping of persons. Remote-controlled for unrestricted field of vision of the workplace at any time.


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Due to the business sectors Pipelines and Plants, Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineering as well as Raw and Construction Material, MAX STREICHER GmbH & Co. KG aA with its headquarters in Deggendorf is quite diversified. When the company was established in 1909, STREICHER focused exclusively almost on road construction. Now, STREICHER is an internationally operating company, which employs about 4,000 people in approx. 30 locations.

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