Refurbishment KOMATSU D355C

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CE conform modernisation of the pipe layer D355C

Page last modified
April 11 2024

In the course of an investment decision regarding the expansion of the own pipe layer fleet, the company MAX STREICHER decided not to invest in new equipment against the background of economic aspects and in particular to save resources and thus improve its ecological footprint. Instead, STREICHER modernised the Komatsu D355C pipe layer, which has proven itself many times in practice and is widely used. The focus of this modernisation is on all areas of the HSEQ concept up to compliance with all current standards. The company has already modified a spread Komatsu D355C from its own inventory and established a secure accessory spare parts supply. The new lifespan of the modernised pipe layer is thus ensured for another 20 years. STREICHER now also offers this upgrade to its business partners and customers.

Pros & Limitations
State-of-the-art technology through modernisation
Emission reductions by replacement of the engine
Safe and intuitive operation of the winch system by joystick
Increased safety through the installation of an overload warning device
CE-certification of the entire upgrade
Installation of CE-certified ROPS-system
Improvement of labour protection through a better ergonomic workplace for the operator
Higher availability of the equipment and comparatively lower maintenance and investment costs
Slightly reduced winch capacity due to CE-compliant safety requirement
Specification Title Specification Description
Certifications / licences
Quality promise through CE conformity of the upgrade
CE-certified features such as modern drive engine, ROPS-bar, joystick control of the winch system, overload warning device etc.
Lower investment costs through refurbishment in comparison to new purchases
Modernising instead of scrapping
Increase of lifespan to another 20 years


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Due to the business sectors Pipelines and Plants, Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineering as well as Raw and Construction Material, MAX STREICHER GmbH & Co. KG aA with its headquarters in Deggendorf is quite diversified. When the company was established in 1909, STREICHER focused exclusively almost on road construction. Now, STREICHER is an internationally operating company, which employs about 4,000 people in approx. 30 locations.

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