Surface Asset Management - SAM™

1 Review
Deployed by 8 companies

Streamline all aspects of NDT management and coating inspection

Page last modified
April 16 2024

SAM™ is a ground-breaking, easy-to-use, digital inspection application that streamlines all aspects of NDT management and coating inspection. The user friendly, highly intuitive software can be applied across a range of industries including Energy, Subsea, Renewables, Marine, Transport & Infrastructure and the Industrial sector.

SAM™ can also manage new build projects providing full cradle to grave traceability.

The Degradation Forecasting Module [DFM] has just been launched which allows any asset owner to accurately forecast future coating failure and apply campaign budgets to mitigate 

Every piece of inspection data collected via the web or tablet is instantly saved to secure servers. SAM™ creates skilfully formatted and concise documentation that is available anytime to download or send direct from the desktop or tablet. The software logs coating product, blast media, and all other essential variables for successful and concise reports.

SAM™ is a fresh and unique approach to corrosion prevention and has been developed with simplicity and efficiency at the forefront of its design. The technology removes duplication of tasks and creates a single point of access to monitor corrosion and manage the execution of coating systems, passive fire protection and insulation instalment.

The pioneering technology was developed in 2017 after a team of specialists at Surface Corrosion quickly realised the majority of service providers and major operators are still managing their corrosion protection using sub-contractors and colossal spreadsheets.

In the constant drive for efficiency, the app now interfaces directly to Elcometer gauges that are Bluetooth enabled. Using a tablet and Bluetooth technology the coatings inspector and technician digitally records all inspection requirements from NDT onwards including MPI, UT, Visual, environmental readings, DFTs, images and much more in real-time onsite.

SAM™ functionality includes:

  • Conditional Surveys
  • Survey & Inspection Reviews 
  • Degradation Forecasting Module
  • Campaign & Scope Management
  • Progress and Productivity 
  • Analysis & Reporting
  • Critical Repair Management

The in-house team at Surface Corrosion offers a comprehensive training package as well as providing technical support and updates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Pros & Limitations
Complete digitisation of Fabric Maintainance campaigns - from planning; budgets to execution
Efficiency: Online continuous process - saving time and money
Accessibility: Available on Android and IOS for PC or tablet, users can access real-time data from anywhere that has a suitable internet connection
Traceability: Every update recorded is date stamped providing full traceability, providing control of all surface corrosion and inspection activities.
Ownership: All data is owned by the owner/operator and SAM is designed to be managed by you or your designated company.
Control: User has complete control of data for maintenance planning, scheduling and budgeting.
User-friendly: Simple to use with clearly defined menus and intuitive interface.
The UI is becoming difficult to navigate around due to functionality growth as a result of continuous development
Specification Title Specification Description
SAM™ is a digital inspection app to centrally manage coating and inspection management services online. Using the latest technology, the software streamlines all aspects of coating and NDT inspection management making SAM™ simple.
Degradation Forecasting Module - DFM
The ability to forecast the deterioration of any coating system in any environment. Allocation of FM budgets to accurately forecast and manage best practice.
Industry 4.0
Nuclear ready NDT suite - execution Class 5.0
API Integration
We have been able to integrate with iPlan and StruMIS to date but are confident that given the correct permissions we can create and API to any external system
Bluetooth Technology
After obtaining the required protocols our application communicates with Elcometer test equipment via bluetooth and downloads direct to report without the need for manual intervention

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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Surface Corrosion Consultants Ltd is one of the largest coating inspection companies in Europe and has an established track record in successfully re-thinking traditional corrosion and inspection management.

At the forefront of its suite of innovative products and services is the cutting-edge web and tablet-based app Surface Asset Management™ (SAM™) which is transforming how coating condition surveys and painting campaigns are recorded and managed by allowing complete management of assets from conditional surveying and specification to scope of works and inspection reporting.

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