RAP4 Digital Control of Work

0 Reviews
Deployed by 1 company

The intelligent alternative to the simple digitization of paper-based formats

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The RAP4 System provides smart, simple, clear, and intuitive modules with the intelligence to assure complete Control of Work (CoW) audit compliance and drive continuous safety improvement.

Through the RAP Cortex, all relevant hazards and controls can be easily accessed by following a best practice workflow process, resulting in a simple to follow system for all. Specific knowledge of permits and permitting processes is not required, thus making the software significantly more accessible to the people who actually do the work. RAP4 is highly configurable and designed to work for you.

RAP4 drives continuous safety and risk assessment processes that are created directly as part of the permitting process, and it builds on earlier versions of this software to create an easy to access and Intuitive Gateway to Digital Control of Work (CoW) processes.

Pros & Limitations
The solution is a comprehensive and easy to use electronic Risk Assessment and Permit to Work System.
Puts Risk Assessment at the forefront of the permitting process
Knowledge base of potential hazards and mitigating controls
Describes/Defines what you do and how you do it (icons)
Knowledge of permits/permitting system is not required
Highly configurable
Requires a minimum amount of work permits per month
Specification Title Specification Description
Permit to Work
Digital Permit to Work is your front-line method of keeping people safe in high hazard industries. It represents the combination of risk identification, management & control, and communication forming a key component of safe Control of Work.
Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment Process in RAP enables the user to identify all hazards present in the workplace that have the potential to cause harm and put in place the necessary control measures to mitigate the level of risk.
Isolation Management
RAP’s Isolation Module ensures that all energies associated with the equipment being worked on, have been completely removed. The system is comprehensive yet simple to use, accommodating all energy sources and equipment.
Mobile Devices
The RAP Mobile module enables all users to interact with RAP wherever they are, ensuring speed and accuracy of information and keeping everyone aware of work status. iOS and Android compatible
Override and Critical Asset Management
SORM - Safety Override Risk Management Interlocks and Overrides, Critical Equipment and Barrier Management. RAP's SORM offers visibility of current, and future changes in overall process safety due to defeats, overrides and the like.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Yokogawa is a leading provider of Industrial Automation and Test and Measurement solutions. Combining superior technology with engineering services, project management, and maintenance, Yokogawa delivers field proven solutions for operational efficiency, safety, quality, and reliability.

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