McIntosh Technical Ltd - Global ESP and Completions Project Delivery

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Deployed by 6 companies

Subject matter experts available for consulting from technology evaluation to well commissioning. Custom training solutions created and delivered.

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Our industry experts are committed to supporting you throughout your wells project and strive to deliver the best solution for you, within budget and on time.  We offer comprehensive project management services from ITT through to commissioning ensuring the correct solution is selected for your operation.

We are specialists in complex well design and delivery and have expertise which includes geothermal, SAGD, HPHT, heavy oil and sour service.

We support field operations onshore and offshore, globally, delivering expert advice, guidance and reporting to ensure the best well performance possible.

Our core operations assist operators, wells management companies and service providers to deliver quality assured completions.  We also support start ups with technical and commercial expertise in bringing their products to market. 

Our ESP training solutions are custom created for your needs and delivered in person.  This can include field installation, ESP monitoring and other specific areas withing the ESP lifecycle.

Pros & Limitations
Subject matter experts available for short and long term projects
Connects end users with innovative technologies
Can work to reduce carbon emissions through technology
Using two decades of learnings to bolster experience in your team
Expert led, custom training in field of ESPs
Serves as an expert direct link between operator and equipment supplier
Our Expertise
Expertise Title Expertise Description
Technology Evaluation
Evaluate potential solutions to fit your well
Prepare and evaluate Invitation to Tender
Product Qualification
Prepare and evaluate qualification process for technology deployment
Provide QA/QC services for downhole equipment ensuring it is fit for purpose
Supervisor Services
Provide field supervision of well completions including program preparation and reporting
Operational Support
Maximising production via optimization and trouble shooting problem wells
Provide support to establish root cause of issues including mitigation / prevention
ESP Monitoring
Provide support on ESP Monitoring including solutions, best practices and audit
Deliver custom training courses relating to ESP operations
Project Management
Manage delivery of ESP and completion projects
Application Design
Provide application design support including HPHT, heavy oil and sour service


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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McIntosh Technical Ltd is an artificial lift and completions consultancy that provides project management, engineering support and quality assurance on ESP and completions projects in the oil and gas and geothermal sectors, and assists operators, service companies and start-ups with delivering successful projects.

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