SonoInspec together with her specialised partners can deliver a full integrity approach for your pressure equipment which is susceptible to HTHA damage. Inspection scope can be determined based on susceptibility levels as a result from design and operational review of the equipment in combination with fracture mechanic analysis. SonoInspec NDT inspections will be executed as per API941. Replica's can be taken and analysed by our highly specialised metalurgical partner.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Inspection at ambient temperature (crack monitoring at high temp. possible)
Inspection as per API941
NDT Techniques
Backscatter&VTRM + TOFD + PA (incl. real time TFM) + replica
Accurate repeatability of inspection
Implementation time
Standardised approach based on susceptible levels
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.