DI Analytics

0 Reviews
Deployed by 6 companies

Digital Transformation using AI

Page last modified
April 11 2024

DIGATEX approaches digital transformation from a different angle.  We create digitally intelligent data from the vast legacy of dumb documents and drawings and unconnected databases with different data structures and content.

We do this with our DI-analytics service by literally putting technology to work.  We use AI to create robotic information engineers that sift through legacy data creating a layer of intelligence over the existing information source, be it a document, drawing, or an unstructured dataset.   Once we have the data we set the robots to work cleansing, validating and sorting the data enabling our customers to find, access, use the data quickly and efficiently.

Pros & Limitations
Enables fast access to data
Reduced cost of data extraction
Cloud Based solution
Rapid Generation of results
Requires changing certain workflows
Specification Title Specification Description
Asset Management
Provides integration with existing asset management platform to feed the processed data.
Digital Asset Consulting | Digital Asset Engineering | Digital Asset Solutions
Provides digitisation of ad-hoc documents or even images.
Using AI to create robotic information engineers that sift through legacy data creating a layer of intelligence over the existing information source, be it a document, drawing, or an unstructured dataset.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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DIGATEX brings digital transformation to large complex assets such as Process, Power, Marine, Rail, Mining and large Construction projects, enabling customers to maximise the value of their asset data to improve their productivity, safety and reliability.

DIGATEX’s value proposition is that for every physical asset there should exist a digital asset for which the data is organized and classified around the physical objects which comprise the asset. Linked to this is a core competence around multidimensional visualization as a means to aid decision making, across the asset life cycle .

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