Current Magnetometry Inspection (CMI)

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A game-changing service for unpiggable pipelines

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The current magnetometry inspection method is used by major pipeline operators in the world and has been applied for several thousand of kilometres. The method has been developed in cooperation with several pipeline operators to match specific needs and overcome existing problems.

As being an electromagnetic survey technique, EMPIT is specialized in the measurement and interpretation of electromagnetic far-fields. This is because the distance between the sensors and the test object might be reaching several meters when conducting an Over-the-Line (OtL) inspection. Consequently, a good signal-to-noise ratio is key to make far-fields interpretable.

The physical principle that a circular conductor generates a circular magnetic field when a current is passed through it is used as CMI’s basis. Anomalies in the pipeline wall will cause measurable anomalies in the magnetic field. This accounts for horizontal and vertical bends, geometry changes and for metal loss in the pipe wall. Consequently, EMPIT’s algorithms can transfer the electromagnetic world into the world of integrity and mapping assessments.

With the usage of inhouse developed high-tech measurement equipment, smart analog and digital filtering, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for data post-progressing, big industry challenges have been solved. Thus, we are happy to introduce a new and worldwide unique technique to the market to survey the future and inspect the unpiggable.

Pros & Limitations
No line stop
No soil removal
No planning
No inline inspection (ILI) tool
No production loss
No downtime
Seamless measurements (1cm scale)
Requires free access to the area right above the pipeline
Specification Title Specification Description
Grey Iron, Ductile Iron, Steel, Alloy Steel and other conductive matrials
Anomalies detected
General corrosion | Girth Weld Anomaly | Mill Feature | Cracking | Dent | Axial Grooving
Maximum pipeline depth
Pipe dimensions [OD]
3" - 36"
Maximum Wall Thickness
10 mm
Minimum distance to parallel pipelines
0.6 m
Inspection of Culverts
Inspection of Geo Technical Hazards
Inspection of Unpiggable pipelines
Terrain limitations


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EMPIT is a global working deep-tech company established in 2015. Our team of experts specializes in the inspection and mapping of buried and unpiggable pipelines.

With the invention of Current Magnetometry Inspection (CMI), a strong team of highly qualified and motivated professionals have managed to reinvent pipeline surveying. For this reason, we have been awarded Germany's most important innovation prize.

As a fast-growing, independent company, we enable the safe and sustainable operation of buried pipelines and protect our environment with technology made in Germany. A strong investment in research and development, a strict focus on customer needs, and an outstanding dedication to ensure pipeline operators around the world to safely transport their products are key factors in EMPIT's unique success story.

Over the years, EMPIT has built a strong reputation and is one of the fastest growing integrity companies in market. EMPIT's managing director, Mark Glinka, argues that the slow expansion of pipeline infrastructure is putting pressure on existing, aging infrastructure. With most of the pipeline network in developed countries built between the 1950s and 1970s, the risk of pipeline failure due to corrosion and other external factors is higher than ever. Therefore, reliable solutions are needed to mitigate this risk.

Approximately 50% of today's pipeline network is considered unpiggable, and the condition of the assets is mostly unknown. EMPIT offers the first reliable inspection solution to assess the condition of unpiggable pipelines from the surface of the earth. Consequently, CMI is designed to protect not only the asset and the workers operating it, but also the general public and the environment.

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