XXXL Metal Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

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Deployed by 4 companies

Value the Future, Upgrade the Past: spare part production and repair

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Guaranteed provides worldwide unique and fully integrated XXXL metal additive manufacturing production and repair services using WAAM (10m x 6m x5m and up to 20 tons) for a wide variety of metals (steel, stainless, aluminium, titanium, nickel based alloys, …) with a guarantee on performance, quality and lead time. This allows to avoid massive warehousing & logistic costs or to extend the lifetime of ageing installations.  In both cases significant savings can be achieved with regards to cost, lead time, energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Pros & Limitations
Guaranteed properties through unique software
Guaranteed lead time through one-stop-shop (fully integrated pre- and post-machining)
Guaranteed QA/QC through process monitoring and in-line NDT compatible with e.g. DNV certification
Different processes (CMT + plasma) offer a broad choice of alloys (steel, stainless, aluminium, titanium, Inconel, …)
XXXL metal 3D printing up to 10m x 6m x 5m
Parts up to 20 ton can be manipulated
Repair or refurbishment capabilities allowing lifetime increase connected to EU’s “right to repair” with reduced energy and carbon footprint
Independence of Guaranteed avoids IP-conflicts
Due to it's very high production rate, WAAM technology does not allow to produce very fine features directly as printed. These can however be produced during post-processing
Specification Title Specification Description
Implementation time
Fast prototyping to shorten development cycles for oil & gas components. WAAM limits downtime through reduced lead times and supply chain enhancements and offers the prospect of on-site manufacturing
Asset life extension
WAAM allows for lifetime extension by repair with reduced energy and carbon footprint, allows reproduction of obsolete parts and reduces warehouse stocks through on-demand printing
Cloud platform
WAAM can be coupled to an End-End workflow with ERP-systems and Digital Warehouse to allow on-demand 3D printing of spare parts
WAAM allows for lifetime extension by repair with reduced energy and carbon footprint. This ‘right to repair’ is supported by the European Parliament as part of the "New Circular Economy Action Plan".
WAAM can be coupled to an End-End workflow with ERP-systems and Digital Warehouse to allow on-demand 3D printing of spare parts
Certifications / licences
Guaranteed QA/QC through process monitoring and in-line NDT compatible with e.g. DNV certification


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Guaranteed provides XXXL metal additive manufacturing production and repair services. Heavy industry requires many low-volume components that are expensive to manufacture, stock and replace. Guaranteed allows reproduction of obsolete parts and reduces warehouse stocks through on-demand printing, allows for lifetime extension by repair with reduced energy and carbon footprint, limits downtime through reduced lead times and supply chain enhancements and offers the prospect for on-site manufacturing.

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