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Increase tool time by 20-30% with real-time interactive visualization of operational workflows

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Visavi creates real-time visualization of all your operational workflows and streamlines them into one intuitive and interactive interface. For any industry. Visavi is a cloud-based solution that enables live, actionable, inter-disciplinary and automatically optimized asset plans transforming work practices for maintenance and operations. 

Visavi uses advanced visualization to bring information from various systems together and simplify complex operations. The solution creates added value from existing IT investment through connecting data and utilizing advanced algorithms for optimizing plans and logistics across disciplines. Benefits of Visavi are optimized resource-usage, improved HSSE and reduced operating cost. 

Proved results for existing customers:

  • + 20 - 30 % Tool time
  • + 30 - 35 % Plan attainment
  • Increased situational awareness and collaboration
  • Improved HSSE
Pros & Limitations
Increased utilization of floor staff by up to 30%
Increased tool time by 20-30%  
Increased plan attainment to 80-90% 
Reduced downtime and increased production
Improved HSSE
Secured situational awareness across entire organisation
The solution creates added value from existing IT investments
Secures significant increase in productivity, decreased risk and reduced cost
Improved schedule attainment and compliance equals completing more work with the same people
The solution can be used in any industry
The solution is mainly suited for larger industrial facilities
Specification Title Specification Description
Holistic integration
Overview over totality and dependencies with ability to integrate the work-order plan, asset plan, resources and constrains on the same surface.
Filtering panel
Drill-down functionality giving clear overviews for specific work-orders, eg within an area, a discipline, a technical system or in a time period.
Reschedule and test scenarios
Makes it possible to re-plan, move jobs and play with different scenarios while also visualizing resource constrains directly.
Work permits in area maps
Overview of all areas where safety-critical operations are performed. Ensures shared situational awareness to help reduce HSSE risk.
Azure Cloud
Supporting both on and off premise.
Web application
Deployable in any browser
Flexible modules
Scalable and configurable to meet the needs of each customer.
Any data sources
Fetches data from any source type or infrastructure.
Touch screen
Designed for touch screens with rich graphics and touch-optimized interaction.
Adaptable sources
Hosted in cloud-based technologies, or as self-hosted in a more traditional environment.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Visavi provides software and services related to optimization of maintenance and turnaround processes, primarily for the energy and process industry. Visavi and its products are key enablers for the digitizing agenda in the industry. The company has ambitious international growth plans and we expect a fast-growing customer base over the next few years. Visavi is a spin-off company from the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). Visavi's technology platform is based on research from the Centre for Integrated Operations at the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU) and IFE, both recognized as world leading in their respective areas. The Visavi 1st. generation products are based on the modular solution Visavi and is developed in close co-operation with international oil companies and is in use by operators in the North Sea.

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