TROVE KnowledgeBases

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Deployed by 1 company

Get details on every project globally

Page last modified
April 11 2024

TROVE KnowledgeBases, these are comprehensive sources of data for the energy transition. TROVE KnowledgeBases cover Wind, Wave, Tidal, Solar, Geothermal, CCUS, Gas Storage and Energy Storage schemes from around the world.

Not only do we capture data on every project (in operation, planned and decommissioned) we also have an audit trail to the source of the data and capture unstructured data such as maps and infrastructure diagrams.

Pros & Limitations
Proven history of data provision for the energy industry
Subscribers are able to create their own graphs and charts with ease to meet their own needs
Companies can edit and import proprietary data they hold allowing comparison to the whole TROVE dataset
Every renewables project globally, up to the minute and historic data
Delivers maps, diagrams and illustrations that help users get a true understanding
Includes an audit trail to assess the provenance and validity of the information
TROVE is a specialist technical database, it does not include costs and economics
Specification Title Specification Description
We provide TROVE in Excel format because it is a ubiquitous program used globally.
Areas of Application
Wind, Wave, Tidal, Solar, Geothermal, CCUS, Gas Storage and Energy Storage schemes.
Fully GIS compatible.
Data Analysis Tool
TROVE KnowledgeBases go beyond giving information, additionally providing insight and knowledge.
TROVE is not a simple database with data in a table; TROVE delivers maps, diagrams and illustrations that help users get a true understanding.
Delivered in Excel format, TROVE KnowledgeBases compile and standardise information on renewable energy schemes across the world.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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TROVE Renewables is a renewable energy consultancy working to help facilitate the energy transition. Our TROVE KnowledgeBase product range provides unrivalled insight into a range of green energy technologies. 

We believe in a clean energy future, powered by knowledge sharing and data availability. Our mission is to help enable the energy transition by equipping companies who operate in the renewables sector with up to date, reliable information, allowing them the insight required to provide a sustainable future for all.

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