TAAP Accelerate
No Code Low Code Agile Applications Platform
TAAP Accelerate is an agile applications platform used to accelerate the digital transformation of software systems and solutions. TAAP Accelerate leverages No Code as an implementation methodology that democratises software development so that Subject Matter Experts, Business Analysts and Citizen Developers can work in conjunction with IT and DevOps to build and deliver applications 20-50x faster than conventional methodologies and approaches, providing a better work balance and load sharing between the business and IT.
TAAP Accelerate provides a full development and execution runtime for both mobile and enterprise scale web applications. TAAP Accelerate doesn't just impact the build/coding phase of software development but the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The technology improves the front end specification to work through the creation of apps as part of the functional specification activity. This helps ensure the users will receive the solutions they want de-risking any potential ambiguity.
TAAP Accelerate helps organisations build apps with smaller teams, more focused, agile, reactive teams, that can work more effectively together in shorter timescales and with a greater ROI than with traditional methodologies.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
TAAP Accelerate provides the platform for organisations to ensure compliance across their processes with audit trails of operation and controls set in place to support compliance goals.
Custom UI
Custom UI components can be added with ease and tailored to exact processes to ensure are solutions fit for purpose and process efficiency.
Database Backups
Automated creation of database backups to ensure the safety and security of data whilst reducing risk.
Document Verification Service (DVS)
DVS delivers verification and authentication to all of your documents. A receipt is produced that contains a QR code for reference and confirmation. Data authenticity can be accessed through either our mobile app or the portal.
Implementation Time
Reduce implementation time with TAAP Accelerate between 1-4 weeks. No Code Platform provides controls ready to get organisations up and running faster than traditional solutions.
Integrate with Back-End Systems
Easily integrate with existing enterprise systems and others to provide ‘one version of the truth’ solutions.
Login and User Management
Pre-created login and user management. Different permissions are allocated based on role to ensure end users only see what they require e.g. end users, management, admin, owners.
Multilingual Apps
Supports multiple languages.
Outbound Communications/ Notifications
Send and receive notifications based on logic rules and defined communications.
Reporting and Analytics
Support management objectives through the measurement and tracking of KPIs providing actionable insights to make informed business decisions.
Seamless Provision of Environments
Provision of multiple environments that allow Citizen Developers to test outside a production environment as well as create fully functional environments.
Supports Several Devices
Apps created can be used on different devices with optimal responsiveness.
Version Control
Ability to save and restore different versions of an app – this supports organisations SLAs to prevent any downtime for enterprise level solutions.
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The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.