Solar Generator

0 Reviews
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Deployed by 4 companies

Green mobile energy

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Volta Energy wants to enable reliable and clean energy in mobile locations. We believe that clean energy can become the heart of energy demand in locations with a power need. We do this by combining existing techniques in a smart way with optimization software and IoT modules (Internet of things). By combining energy generation from solarpower with energy storage in batteries, we create a sustainable & clean self-sufficientsystem that recharges itself. A fixed price in advance, no stench, no noise and no emissions of polluting exhaust gases. Volta Energy's clean aggregates are good for the environment. We deliver an all-in-one package. The customer orders a solution for the energy needs and we make sure that this comes with our aggregate, cables, distribution cabinets, transport etc. We offer the certainty of a conventional aggregate, but without its disadvantages.

Pros & Limitations
Sustainable, no more green house gases
Userfriendly, no more noise or smell
Less costs due to no fuel costs
No maintance; batteries and solar do not require oil refills
Easy transportation, just hook them up to a car
More expensive than a grid connection, only cheaper if compared to a diesel genset
Not for stationary sites, like houses or campany buildings, because we only rent our solution
Specification Title Specification Description
1 tonnes (1.6x1.6 m) to 4 tonnes (8x3.5 m).
6 kVA to 120 kVA.
Our Solar-generators produce between 6 and 120 kW.
All Solar-Generators are connected via IoT. This way Volta Energy knows when there is service due and we can help our clients to get more energy efficient.
All our Solar-Generators have a back-up system. Mostly via sustainable fuels and some with hydrogen. This way, even if the sun doesn't shine, there will always be plenty of energy.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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If companies need mobile energy in locations where there are insufficient grid connections for their power needs, they often rent a diesel generator. Such an aggregate causes odour and noise pollution and emits several polluting exhaust gases. Such an aggregate therefore causes nuisance in the immediate vicinity and is bad for the environment. We combine powerful solar energy and Lithium batteries to generate energy in locations with a power demand. With the solar panels, at least as much energy is generated in a day as can be stored in the batteries. The system incorporates a special bio-fuel generator, which is only used as a backup for operational security. The backup generator gives customers the confidence that there is always enough power, even when the sun is not shining or in case of technical defects.

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