SDC Verifier

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Deployed by 5 companies

Structural verification according to different industry rules and standards

Page last modified
April 11 2024

SDC Verifier is a powerful standard checking software that works within different Finite Element Analysis solutions such as ANSYS, Femap, Simcenter 3D.

It helps to automatically verify your FEA results according to multiple industry standards as DIN, Eurocode, FEM, AISC, Norsok, ISO, DNVGL, ABS, FKM, DVS, AIJ, AS etc.

With the unique recognition tools, structural items as beam members, plates, welds, stiffeners, panels, and joints can be found on your model and directly verified according to specific requirements.

Pros & Limitations
Works with major FEA software, such as Ansys, Simcenter, Femap
30+ built-in industry rules and standards
Automatic weld detection
Possibility to run custom checks
Extensive automatic reporting, suitable for PLM and APDL
Optimization Module with automatic optimization according to selected rules
Open API with ability to advanced project automation
Software developed and tested by structural engineers
Depends on other CAE software
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
FEA (Beam, solid and plates) models of oil rigs, offshore structures, cranes etc, which need to be checked against industry standards.
Industry codes verification. Automatic structural members (welds, plate fields, stiffeners, beam members and joints) detection. Structure optimization. Automatic reporting.
ANSYS Workbench, Simcenter 3D, Simcenter Femap.
Built-in tool which allows to take the best design decision for the structure by calculating different combinations of design input.
Open SDC API — set of methods that help to automate the process of interaction with SDC Verifier.
Advanced FEA report generation with export ability to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Works with SPDM and PLM systems.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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SDC Verifier is an engineering company on a mechanical and structural design that provides engineering consultancy services and develops a tailor-made engineering software for in Offshore & Marine, Heavylift, Aerospace & Defence, Civil, Automotive and other Industries and custom code checking software.

With 20+ years of experience, we help companies all over the world to solve complex engineering problems. We use Finite Element method to check the design, verify structures according to industry rules, provide tender and certification support.

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