ROSEN Non-Intrusive Pipeline Assessment (NIPA)

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Above-ground inspection and integrity analysis approach for unpiggable pipelines

Page last modified
January 6 2025

Non-Intrusive Pipeline Assessment (NIPA) is an above-ground integrity analysis approach for unpiggable pipelines that integrates and overlays pipeline data obtained from construction and operational records, large stand-off magnetometry (LSM) surveys, cathodic protection (CP) monitoring and geographic information systems (GIS).

Overlaying multiple data sets increases confidence in anomaly detection and provides contextual insight into stress raisers both internally and externally. By identifying root causes and potential hotspots, the service helps to optimize excavation activities and prioritize NDT inspection efforts.

NIPA can be tailored to a pipeline's unique requirements, ensuring adaptability and effectiveness in addressing specific challenges. Depending on what operators need, our services range from:

  • Above-ground pipeline inspection using advanced NDT methods (LSM, CIPS, DCVG/AGVG)
  • Complete assessment of pipeline condition by integrating multiple data sets to identify and characterize internal and external defects
  • Holistic integrity management, including in-field verification services and development of integrity management plans 
Pros & Limitations
Completely non-intrusive with no impact on pipeline operations
Prioritization of excavations and targeting of most critical defects
Increased probability of detection (POD) though combination of inspection techniques
Standards compliance, including ISO 22974, ISO 15189-1 and NACE direct assessment methodologies
Integration of supervised machine learning to predict pipeline condition and behavior
Ferromagnetic materials only
Our Expertise
Expertise Title Expertise Description
Cathodic Protection
Design, construction, and commissioning of cathodic protection systems, both Impressed Current (ICCP) and Galvanic Anode (SACP) together with future inspection and monitoring support. All personnel are certified to perform Cathodic Protection surveys and design.
Large Stand-off Magnetometry
Detection and quantification of pipeline position in X,Y,Z positions and categorisation of stress anomalies in pipelines. LSM can be used to detect corrosion, dents, gouges, ground movement, depth of cover and areas more susceptible to SCC.
Aboveground Surveys
Cathodic protection surveys:
Close Interval Protection Survey (CIPS), Test Post Measurement (TP).
Coating surveys:
Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG), Current Attenuation Testing (CAT), Alternating Current Voltage Gradient (ACVG), Current Span Testing (CST).
Combined Surveys:
Hexcoder CIPS/DCVG and Non-Intrusive Pipeline Assessment (NIPA).
Integrity Consultancy
Over 150 dedicated integrity specialists able to perform Fitness-for-Service/Purpose (FFS/P), Estimated Remaining Life (ERL) or General Pipeline Integrity Management to varying standards, e.g. ASME, ASTM, API, NACE, ISO, DNV etc.
Non-Destructive Testing
Dedicated NDT engineers able to perform task from simple Ultrasonic Testing (UT) to bespoke Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT). Dye Penetrant (DP), Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Long-Range and Short-Range UT (LR/SRUT), Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL), Laser Scanning and corrosion mapping. All engineers are trained and certified to perform NDT.
Defect Assessment
Defect assessment to relevant international standards e.g. DNV, ASME etc. Assessment based on actual defect dimensions and shapes from Level 1 to Level 3.
Estimated Remaining Life
Projection of pipeline degradation and auditing of corrosion mitigation measures / performance. Consultancy for expending asset life and inspection / monitoring. All ERL assessments can be performed to international standards e.g. ISO12747 or bespoke requirement to client.
Expensive experience in delivering and developing FFP / FFS for clients. Many employees are contributors to the international standard committees and develop the standards for analysis. Various international standards can be used e.g. ASME from Level 1 to Level 3.
Data Analytics
Machine Learning and data mining of ROSEN ILI database for enhanced projections and predictions of asset condition and degradation rate. Over 1.5 million km of inspection data available with advanced ROSEN developed machine learning algorithms trained by ROSEN specialists.
Aerial/Drone Inspection
Aerial capabilities for above ground surveys including leak detection, ground movement and LSM using aerial drones for difficult to access areas or rapid scanning.
Specification Title Specification Description
Diameter of surveyed pipelines
152 mm – 1820 mm (6” – 72”)
Distance between scanner and pipeline (axial deviation, laying depth)
Optimal distance up to 12 times pipeline diameter, e.g. ~ 3 m (9.84 ft) for 10”
Passive magnetic technology
Accuracy (laterally)
Within 100 mm (0.33 ft)
Accuracy (POD)
> 80 % at a confidence of 95 % (where no magnetic interference is encountered)
Accuracy (mapping)
± 5 % to actual position
Cathodic protection surveys
Continuous high-accuracy position logging records your pipeline’s route as you survey. Operated in conjunction with satellite synchronized equipment and Interrupters for precise defect location proven to be 10 to 15 cm.


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The ROSEN Group is a leading global provider of cutting-edge solutions for all areas of the integrity management process. Since its origins as a one-man business in 1981, ROSEN has grown rapidly and continues to do so. Today the business is still privately owned and employs a team of more than 3,000, operating in more than 120 countries. The four key areas of expertise include:

  • Inspection of critical industrial assets to ensure reliable and effective operation
  • Customized engineering consultancy ensuring efficient asset integrity management
  • Production and supply of customized novel systems and products
  • Market-driven research and development providing “added value” products and services

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