ReliaSol Intelligent Maintenance System: RSIMS Apps and RSIMS Platform

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Deployed by 1 company

AI Software for Predictive & Prescriptive Maintenance

Page last modified
April 11 2024

AI-driven Platform for Predictive (PdM) & Prescriptive (PRx) Maintenance, helping companies to minimize maintenance costs, Improve safety and their Reduce carbon footprint. ReliaSol offers companies Predictive Maintenance at their preferred level.

The RSIMS Platform is a software platform that enables fast and efficient Predictive & Prescriptive Maintenance implementation. The ReliaSol AI engine provides the most accurate insights, it can be deployed on-premise or cloud and is focused on easy integration and data exchange with the most common IT solutions.

Its modular architecture, APIs, and automatization tools reduce deployment time, complexity and costs. RSIMS Apps are standalone software packages that enable fast and efficient PdM implementation without the need for large data sets! RSIMS Apps deliver the most critical PdM functionalities and features. RSIMS Apps provide insight into vital signals via interoperation with different platforms and protocols making deployment even faster!


Pros & Limitations
RSIMS Apps do not require an implementation project or large data sets
RSIMS Apps do not have implementation costs involved and only have a monthly subscription fee
RSIMS Apps are highly scalable
RSIMS Apps are independent of other IT/OT systems
RSIMS Apps are ideal as a first PdM solution
RSIMS Apps provide no indication of failure type or root cause
RSIMS Platform is holistic and machinery agnostic: all types of equipment (static and rotating) can be monitored and integration is possible from multiple data sources
Because the RSIMS Platform is completely data-driven, no hardware is required for installation, ensuring critical production processes are not interrupted
The RSIMS Platform data pre-processing and generation of analytical models is fully automated, making use of 500+ models in the library
The RSIMS Platform is based on a unique combination of Machine learning and Domain knowledge
RSIMS Platform implementation is recommended when historical sensor data and multiple failure events are available
Specification Title Specification Description
Decrease maintenance costs with more than 30%.
Machine learning
Proprietary analytical engine allows the use of machine learning methods without the need for programming and knowledge of algorithms, making use of more than 20 machine learning methods to create the optimal model.
Continuous recalibration of models allows for industry-leading accuracy of 96%.
Optimise Industrial Processes and increase production profitability with more than 25%.
Implementation time
Reduced implementation time through Automated data pre-processing, 600+ ready-to-use analytic models in the library and an Online User Graphic Interface (Drag & Drop).


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Responding to the needs of innovative companies, ReliaSol provides an AI-based software platform with a focus on predictive and prescriptive analytics that helps to prevent failures, improve operational excellence in the industry and obtain long-term financial benefits. The company provides solutions for a diverse set of industries, including Energy, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Metal & Mining, Food & Beverage, Cement, Pulp & Paper and other manufacturing industries.

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