Quasset Test Facility
Unique testing facility to accelerate progress of robotics for inspection and maintenance
Conveniently located in the vicinity of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, the Quasset Test Facility (QTF) opened its doors in 2017 to facilitate the development of robotic solutions for inspection and maintenance activities. Robotic and sensor technology are continuously evolving, creating a need for agile testing and timely validation, which informs industry of the readiness and potential application of the technology. Quasset caters for this need by providing independent 3rd party assessment of technology in a highly flexible and relevant testing environment.
The facility houses a range of decommissioned assets which serve to test swimming, flying and crawling robotic systems in a controlled environment. In conjunction with their consultancy services, Quasset provides valuable insights and can design specialised tests which tie in to the relevant business drivers, hereby promoting cutting-edge innovation and supporting the process from concepts to solutions.
Quasset is uniquely positioned to provide tailored testing for many robotic and inspection systems, either developed by start-ups or offered by full service providers.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Areas of Application
Experimentation and validation of robotic solutions for inspection and maintenance activities.
Decommissioned pressure vessel | Tank floor plates | Piping and elbows | Large water basin
Submerged testing in a basin | Lifting and Handling solutions
600 m2 of flexible space.
Controlled testing environment.
Safe and controlled testing before deployment.
Independent 3rd party technology assessment and consulting | Robotic testing and validation | Operator qualifications | Designing tests | Testing workflows and operational processes | Safe storage of testing equipment
Suitable space for for swimming, crawling and flying robotic systems | Lifting and handling solutions
Reviews (1)
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.