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Direct Tenant-To-Tenant Energy Sharing Technology

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The core of our solution, the PIONIERKRAFTwerk, transfers self-generated energy based on energy production and demand directly/ physically between two or more house grids without using the public grid. This makes it possible to share self-generated electricity with other people in an operator-friendly and profitable way, even if only one household is supplied.  

To control the energy flows, our hardware (the PIONIERKRAFTwerk) has been equipped with a variety of intelligent control algorithms and is thus able to control the energy flows completely autonomously to provide self-generated energy to the required households in real time and according to demand and profitability. The integrated IoT functionality, to connect the PIONIERKRAFTwerk to our PIONIERKRAFT platform, allows the analysis of energy use and operating conditions to ensure optimal and smooth functioning of our solution.

Pros & Limitations
Reduces costs of energy-sharing as the public grid is not utilised
As energy is shared within the same building, the PV energy provider is not defined as an energy producer and has less administrative barriers
The PV energy provider is not defined as an energy producer and has less financial liabilities and risks compared to classic tenant electricity models
The hardware is completely autonomous and the platform gives full transparency and control
Our technology is compatible with different kinds of renewable energy generation plants
With the PIONIERKRAFTwerk, the economic life of a photovoltaic system can be extended - by up to 10 years. Thus, with a 10 kWp system, an additional 6 tons of CO2 can be saved per year.  
Not compatible with batterie storage yet (planned in 2023)
Specification Title Specification Description
Compatibility with different forms of energy generation plants
Our technology for decentralized community-optimized energy generation and sharing is suitable for various forms of renewable generation plants (e.g., mini windmills, hydroelectric power plant or combined heat and photovoltaic power plant)
Alternative to tenant electricity models for small multi-family buildings
First-time implementation of profitable tenant to tenant electricity solutions in small apartment buildings up to 10 housing units/building
Incentive for the construction of larger photovoltaic plants
If more households can be supplied locally with the PIONIERKRAFTwerk, larger plants can also be built. For each additional household (+ 3kWp) that can be supplied with solar power by the PIONIERKRAFTwerk, another 1.8 tons of CO2 are saved per year.  
Extension the economic life of existing photovoltaic systems after the feed-in tariff is discontinued


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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The core of our solution, the PIONIERKRAFTwerk, transfers self-generated energy based on energy production and demand directly/ physically between two or more house grids without using the public grid. This makes it possible to share self-generated electricity with other people in an operator-friendly and profitable way, even if only one household is supplied.

Relative Business Impact