PEM Fuel Cells

0 Reviews
Deployed by 5 companies

Sustainable power generation

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Proton Exchange Membrane or PEM Fuel Cells are considered to be the most versatile type of fuel cells currently in production. They produce the most power for a given weight or volume of fuel cell. Because they are lightweight, have such high power-density, and cold start capability, they qualify for many applications, such as stationary combined-heat-power, transport, portable power and even applications in space. Nedstack is the stack provider of choice for integrators who aim at project based high-power applications and whom subscribe to high lifetime and efficiency requirements.

Pros & Limitations
Zero-Emission of CO in pure Hydrogen
Zero-Emission of particulate matter and NOx
Long life time (>20.000 hours) to refurbishment
High power density
Low temperature and - by extension - versatile operation
Proven technology with strong track record in a large variety of applications
Best fit fuel cell type or 4th Generation Heat Grids
Low LCOE index
High investment rating (CAPEX).
Specification Title Specification Description
Asset life extension
Maintenance services for optimized fuel cell power plant operations during the lifespan. Fuel Cell stack replacement Programmes for lifetime extension. Decommissioning services for fuel cell power plant removal and recycling.
CE compliant systems. Upon request Class Approval (risk based design assessment). Upon request we can supply systems designed under local rules and regulations
Fuel cell differentiate from batteries - amongst others - by their relatively limited ecological footprint and their high degree of recyclability.
Areas of Application
Marine & Offshore | Built Environment | Industry | Commercial Vehicles | Datacenters | Off-grid Power
The standard power ratings are respectively 7, 10 and 13 kWe. Fuel Cell Power Plants for stationary applications at 100, 500 and 1.000 kWe power output modules. Fuel Cell Systems for mobile applications at 50, 100 and 500 kWe power output.
Our HesCo-Hub is dedicated to facilitate seamless adoption of hydrogen energy technology by our clients. Our HesCo-team aims at innovating your back-office and business processes to get the most out of your hydrogen energy transition.
The PemGen compliancy strategy is defined by observing both universal fuel cell system standards (IEC 62282-3) as well as application relevant standards.
In previous projects Nedstack has successfully tested and validated its' PemGen solutions for maritime rules (Class Approvals), automotive commercial vehicle regulations (UN-ECE and GB/T) as well as land-based de-jure standards (EC directives). 
Our HesCo maintenance concept is stooled upon the principles of total preventive maintenance (TPM) and aims at optimizing your plant overall equipment effectiveness. System maintained by seasoned professionals to maximize uptime, safety and utility.
Customer focus
Every application, every market, every user and actually every device has its' own specific mission and intended use. By extension these are power needs that require tailored solutions and we are committed to jointly explore the need for these solutions.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Nedstack is a leading player in the PEM fuel cell industry with a strategic focus and unique track record on the high power and mission critical domain.

At Nedstack we enable the hydrogen economy by developing, realizing, verifying, applying and servicing PEM fuel cell solutions. Our products and services are superior in quality, durability, safety and reliability and are cost competitive.

Our responsibility is to be a partner to industry and a partner to society by tailoring our solutions and services to achieve optimal energy efficiency, large scale deployment of zero-emission power systems and balanced power grids.


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