Mono- and multi-disciplinary engineering projects within the industry

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Deployed by 1 company

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Page last modified
December 2 2024

Iv is a leading engineering firm with many years of experience, a strong focus on the energy transition, and expertise in the pharmaceutical industry, tank terminals, food manufacturers and chemical producers.


In addition to deep-rooted knowledge in the field of specific engineering, Iv also provides project management during the design and realization phases of a project. Supervising and directing engineers, constructors and (sub)contractors is crucial to the progress of the process. 


Iv has a wide range of specialized disciplines, including piping, mechanical engineering, climate and energy, process, electrical & instrumentation and utilities.


We are the link between contractor and provider and have relevant knowledge of legislation and regulations. In addition, we ensure organization-wide support to manage and complete a project and we translate designs into feasible and efficient solutions.

Pros & Limitations
Many years of experience and expertise in the pharmaceutical industry, tank terminals, food manufacturers and chemical producers
Flexible, up/down scaling of teams for projects of every size
Our Expertise
Expertise Title Expertise Description
Multi disciplinair team
Interface management, all technical engineering disciplines.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Engineering firm Iv is one of the top 10 largest engineering companies in the Netherlands, with more than 1,000 specialists in employment. 

Iv devises solutions for challenging issues in the Industrial, Infrastructure & Traffic, Buildings & Installations, Handling, Maritime, Offshore & Energy and Water sectors. 

These include energy transition, sustainability and climate issues that are of great importance to our society. 

Iv's mission is to achieve the utmost in the world of technology with the in-house expertise available within the company. 

We can only achieve the best solutions to the most pressing and complex issues we face today by exploring the outer limits. Solutions that genuinely benefit society. Solutions that benefit society. For the changing climate, a future-proof society and a safe environment.

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