Methane Emissions Quantification (M∙E∙Q) Service

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Quantifies methane emissions from oil and gas assets

Page last modified
August 1 2024

Quantify Methane Emissions with IKM's M∙E∙Q Service.

IKM Testing's Methane Emissions Quantification (M∙E∙Q) Service provides a comprehensive solution for pinpointing and quantifying methane emissions at your assets. We utilise a two-pronged approach:

  1. Aerial Source Quantification (A.S.Q) using advanced drones and sensors to efficiently detect and quantify emissions across your entire site using industry-leading sensors. 
  2. Source Level Identification & Quantification (S.L.I.Q) employs specialised patent-pending technology to quantify fugitive emissions from specific components, allowing precise emission factor determination. Data is collected and managed through our IKM I-OPS software, a user-friendly platform that:
  • Logs all site components for a centralised overview.
  • Facilitates efficient sampling regime management.
  • Enables emissions tracking over time to monitor changing emission rates from individual sources over time.

The M∙E∙Q Service is designed to meet all reporting tiers of the Oil & Gas Methane Partnership Framework 2.0, ensuring transparency and accuracy.

  • Level 5 site-level reporting is achieved through aerial surveys providing a top-down view of your entire asset.
  • Level 4 specific emissions source level for individual components are derived from direct measurements.
  • Level 3 emissions levels are established using industry-standard emission factors.  IKM’s MEQ service allow for verification and in general improvement of these generic factors with site-specific values.

IKM's M∙E∙Q Service offers a powerful combination of technology and expertise to deliver a detailed assessment of your asset's methane emissions performance. 

The sensitivity of the IKM SLIQ method exceeds that required by EU Methane Regulation for Level 2 methane surveys. IKM will be engaging with the EU and National Competent Authorities to ensure that our method is compliant with their requirements and IKM becomes a recognised verifier. 

This empowers you to make informed decisions to reduce emissions, enhance sustainability, and achieve compliance with industry standards.

Pros & Limitations
Provides quantitative methane emission measurements at asset and source level
Uses aerial surveys to detect and quantify emissions at asset level
Measures emissions directly at components to get source-specific emission factors
Software tracks and trends emissions data over time
Different survey methods can achieve OGMP industry reporting levels
Can reconcile measurements with aerial surveys for reliable verification
High winds can limit aerial activities and UAV operators must adhere to guidelines and halt operations when wind speeds on site exceed the maximum stated within guidelines.
Hot work permit required as source level analyser is not intrinsically safe (ATEX).
Specification Title Specification Description
Aerial Survey Quantification (ASQ)
Drone based site level methane emissions detection, identification, and quantification. Aerial emissions report provides clients with holistic asset emissions measurement, detailing localisation for all captured emissions sources. Aerial Quantification method can be used to determine a flare combustion efficiency value. Delivers OGMP2.0 level 5 top-down verification survey.
Identifies and quantifies methane emissions by sweeping a sample wand around components such as flanges/connections/valves. Identifies raised emission levels quickly and efficiently from various source components, allowing comparison of the biggest sources onsite.
Incorporates IKM’s patent pending survey technology to provide emission quantification measurements with high levels of precision and accuracy for each component. Improved accuracy achieved by isolating the component from weather and variable background methane levels, enabling source specific Emission Factors (EFs) to be determined.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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IKM Testing UK is an ISO-certified UK-registered company that provides various oil, gas, petrochemical, and energy industry services. The company has facilities in Cramlington and Westhill/Aberdeen and offers services such as pipeline pre-commissioning, umbilical testing, topside services, equipment rental, personnel provision, upstream services, valve services, methane emissions quantification, training services, and 3D technical animation. IKM Testing UK is part of the larger IKM Group and has obtained quality, environmental, and safety certifications.

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