Maxi and Mega HDD Rigs

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Powerful HDD Rigs and equipment

Page last modified
April 11 2024

With horizontal directional drilling technology from Herrenknecht, pipelines can be installed rapidly, economically, and with minimized impact on the environment and existing infrastructure. Answering the trend of the pipeline industry towards longer and larger crossings, Herrenknecht´s HDD range has been expanded by new features and technologies such as downhole tooling, the Pipe Thruster as a mobile power reserve, and high-torque Rig versions. Mud handling systems, and breakout units complete Herrenknecht´s HDD portfolio, as well as future-oriented Hybrid and Electro Rig versions and advanced digitalization.

Pros & Limitations
Economic and environmentally-friendly method for installing pipelines
Space saving construction site reduces impact on traffic and public life
Reliable and approved technology
Suitable for a large variety of ground conditions like stable, loose soils or rock
Several borehole diameters and lengths can be realized with only one machine
Equipped with powerful and reliable drive technology
Available as Trailer-, Crawler-, Frame-, Modular or Compact-Rig to suit every operational area
Remote access for support and monitoring of drill parameters
Fractured ground and high downhole pressure increases the risk of frack-outs
Unstable ground conditions increases the risk of break-ins
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of application
Crossing of rivers, streets or other obstacles in various kinds of geologies; Landfalls / Sea Outfalls.
Certification / licenses
CE and UL certification available.
Application conditions
Applicable in stable, loose soils and rock.
Pipe Diameters
8’’- 60’'.
PE, PP, FBE, GRP, Concrete Coating.
Drilling lengths
Up to 4000m (depending on project conditions like pipe diameter, ground conditions etc.).
Remote service and data analysis is implemented.
Small jobsite footprint, reduces transportation effort, electrical and hybrid drive technology.
Well developed steering technologies result in high accuracy
Economic Tools
Approved downhole tools increases performance. Easy exchange of the tooling.


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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As a market leader in mechanized tunnelling and trenchless technology, Herrenknecht has expanded its equipment range with specialized pipeline installation technologies for short and long crossings along pipeline routes. Worldwide, drilling contractors use Herrenknecht technologies at these key points to install hundreds of kilometers of pipelines per year, quickly, safely, and economically. Herrenknecht’s equipment and methods cope with space constraints and install underground pipelines and  pipes in all geological formations, even for marine outfalls  and landfalls. Exactly where they are needed.

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