Izomax: Impossile Isolation. Facilitating maintenance without shutdown

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The AOGV; Izomax's patented mechanical isolation technology.

Page last modified
November 23 2024

The patented AOGV mechanical isolation system installs a barrier between a flange pair on a pressurised system, whilst in continuous operation. 

Unlike alternative isolation technologies, the AOGV provides a positive isolation; involves no hot work, with no permanent modification to your plant. 

The AOGV allows our customers to safely isolate process segments for inspection, maintenance, or repair - without a cashflow shutdown. 

Izomax is the result of a 30+ year long tradition of innovation and problem solving, we know how to provide our customers with operative solutions to any isolation challenge.

Pros & Limitations
Creates a positive isolation.
No requirement for hot work and no permanent modification to plant / piping.
Significant reduction in VOC emissions and reduce time spent on draining, venting, purging and flushing.
Execute work outside of a turnaround, increasing asset uptime (while improving safety).
Allow process flow...and cashflow to continue
Temperature range; cryogenic - 200DegC and pressure range; up to 220Bar.
Specification Title Specification Description
60+ tool size / class combination
0 HSE incidents
Globally recognised technology, an approved technology within several oil and gas supermajors. 200 runs and counting
Positive isolation
Full project execution.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Izomax is an independent company established in 2022. It is the result of a 30+ year-long tradition of innovation pioneered by IK Group, a global engineering powerhouse that delivers brilliant engineering for the most complex challenges in the oil & gas industry. As a fast-growing company, we keep our customers' processes flowing, enabling the safe execution of planned or unplanned maintenance and modifications – without downtime.

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