INES -Intelligent Network Solution

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Deployed by 4 companies

The SaaS tool to optimise Utilities and Gas transport and distribution networks with AI

Page last modified
April 11 2024

DCbrain is a European AI B2B SaaS software vendor that supports network companies creating more value from their networks.

Their software INES allows for smart high-volume data ingestion, the creation of a digital network twin to optimise distributed forecast and anomaly detection in complex Utilities networks.

Pros & Limitations
This software acts as a Smart Layer on top of your current IT tools. No need to replace your curent tools
Dynamic tool, no more fuss with Excel
Very nice interface, ask us for a trial
We can handle your data, even incomplete
Cloud agnostic: AWS, Azure, OVH, Google or on premise, depending on client needs
We can get a project running in less than two months
Your network needs to be reasonably big in order to achieve relevant optimisation benefits. The bigger your network, the bigger the optimisation we can realise
Specification Title Specification Description
Asset Management
Find all the information in a few clicks via the digital network: saving time and providing reliable information. Easily identify the causes of incidents (cross-referencing incident logs with other information).
In the field of gas balancing, injecting too much or not enough brings trouble and fines. We help you become and stay compliant with legal and practical requirements.
Prioritise your maintenance operations: optimising maintenance OPEX for a higher quality of service.
The digital twin of your network allows for real-time monitoring to detect any anomaly occurring. Better control of the network and consumption to rapidly increase network efficiency.
Optimisation of compressor stations for TSOs. Simulate network evolution possibilities for DSOs and TSO with Hydrogen.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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DCbrain is the AI specialist applied to Energy networks allowing industrial companies to optimise, forecast and make reliable flows to obtain operational recommendations in real time.

Move from data visualisation to data recommendation in a few weeks thanks to our SaaS software.

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