I-SPIR: True digital transformation of industrial supply chains
A 100% collaborative, 100% scalable, 100% ERP-friendly real time solution for parts- and spare parts orders
I-SPIR is a SaaS solution that allows for seamless collaboration between all stakeholders in every industrial project phase, It saves time spent on Spare Parts Interchangeability Records (SPIRs) by up to 80%, cuts costs spent on needless procurement by up to 25% and significantly reduces carbon footprints as a result. It is 100% compatible with every ERP system on the market, and can be linked to any parts- and spare parts databases for quality assurance of data in real time.
It is super easy to use, and directs every stakeholder (project owners, supplier and sub-suppliers) through a set workflow, ensuring that nothing goes amiss, no wrong data is entered and no needless equipment is ordered. It can be easily customized both on the front end and back end to fit both company branding and preferred work processes. All stakeholders get assigned role based tasks, complete with logging and receipts, ensuring that every part of the SPIR process is transparent and quality assured.
I-SPIR takes Excel spreadsheets, emails and phone calls out of the supply chain process, and data can both be reused across projects and again for future projects. It is project based, not seat based, meaning that no extra cost gets added when adding additional users and stakeholders, and provides almost instant ROI.
I-SPIR has already been chosen as the main SPIR tool for all operators on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, with rollout starting in Q2 2024.
Expertise Title | Expertise Description |
Supply Chain Management
We represent a combined 70+ years of supply chain management optimisation experience
Industrial software development
Our team has contributed to the development and deployment of 16+ major industrial software solutions in the last 15+ years, many of which are still in use
Specification Title | Specification Description |
Supply Chain Management
This solution is designed to optimize supply chain management, both for internal purposes and for multi-stakeholder projects
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