Helin Red Zone Monitoring
Active safety on the drill floor
The main goal of offshore drillers is to operate their rigs as efficiently and safely as possible. The drill floor is a dangerous place to operate. Heavy equipment is moving around, but despite this, people are still required to perform specific jobs in the same area, so-called red zones.
For this reason, we developed a system that constantly monitors the drill floor. Helin Red Zone Monitoring maximises the safety on your drill floor through its advanced analytics capabilities.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
High accuracy in locating people: better than 50 cm. Low latency down to 500 ms.
Broad spectrum of climatological conditions (rain, snow, etc.)
Areas of Application
Offshore drilling rigs.
ATEX certified
Hazardous Area certifications (ATEX/IECEx zone 1).
Detect & Locate People | Alert in case of red zone breaches | Remote access & analysis
Certifications / licences
Offshore certified system of proven hardware.
Modular design
Modular setup, allowing a scaled-up implementation to accommodate changing requirements by client.
General Data Protection Regulation compliant. Your rig, your operation, your data.
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The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.
Relative Business Impact
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