FNVi Accord

0 Reviews
Deployed by 6 companies

Project Management & CMS+ Software as a Service (SaaS) Based Platform

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Introducing FNVi Accord, a system that brings together all aspects of project completions and workflow management offering Real Intelligence for engineering excellence.

The Project Delivery Management Software provides features to effectively assign, plan and execute work to maintain resource and asset integrity. It enables companies to efficiently bring new facilities on-stream faster and optimise their data management for a higher return on investment, resulting in cost savings in excess of 15% of anticipated project spend.

FNVi Accord Dashboard 21112023 Short

Pros & Limitations
Cloud based solution meaning you can login and access the Accord system anywhere in the world
Tasks/Inspections may be assigned, re-assigned and reset with the click of a button
Using our advanced Project Anticipation Module the Accord system can be 100% automated or controlled manually
100% modular: full control over the functionality you provide to your work force with user-based roles and permissions
Task and Activity management allows you to create task lists from our pre-populated 18,000 activities
Accord is multi-platform and available on every device
Report/Widget creation wizard allows you to generate reports based on any of your data points
Access to all of your data including revisions, engineering change requests, documentation, referential and any other data
No internet or bad data connection? Accord stores your data locally until you reach a stable internet connection
Inspections, Tasks, Documentation, Videos, Files; these are a few of the modules the Accord system will provide to you
User has not used FNVi Accord on previous projects.
Specification Title Specification Description
Web-based - can be accessed from any device that can connect to the internet.
Areas of Application
Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Chemical, Process & Power, Utilities, Mining Infrastructure
Cloud Platform
Cloud-based: offers increased security protection, the ability to handle large volumes of traffic and excellent reliability.
9 point authentication and latest Blockchain technology | Cloud-based services; offering increased security protection
Up to date drawings and documentation relevant to tasks at your fingertips.
Geo mapping shows accurate equipment locations and real time mapping of active personnel.
Data Processing
Easily build and generate custom reports to get the most out of the data.
Data Storage
Data stored locally and synched to cloud when internet connection is available.
Unique ability to message between users in any given language | Priceless on global projects


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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FNVI was formed in October 2014 and now employs a wealth of engineers, developers and industry experts with global Project and Logistic operational experience.

The main focus is in developing web based Digital Workflow Project and Logistical applications that support teams involved in Engineering, Inspection, Testing, ATEX Management, Commissioning, Operations & Maintenance of Industrial Projects across a plethora of industries.

The digital Accord system delivers data in real-time using a hosted single silo via AWS, one of the largest and most secure hosting services in the World. The Accord solution is infinite in its data management capacity and may be used by an unlimited number of users simultaneously without any reduction in speed of operation

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