FloSure AICD

0 Reviews
Deployed by 8 companies

Enhances oil production through autonomous downhole management of gas and water

Page last modified
January 17 2025

FloSure Autonomous Inflow Control Device (AICD) is a proven solution for increasing oil production over the life of the field. Successfully deployed in light and heavy oil wells to overcome water or gas breakthrough, our AICDs ensure uniform production longevity by choking unwanted produced fluids.

Tendeka’s FloSure AICDs are field adjustable, engineered for a wide range of applications and deployed as part of the lower completion or retrofitted into existing wells.


Pros & Limitations
Works autonomously downhole
Reduces Gas-Oil Ratio
Delays water breakthrough
Outperforms passive ICDs
Significant global track record
Extensive multi-phase flow testing
Field adjustable
No protrusion on OD or ID
Ability to bypass to place treatments
Needs a viscosity differential between oil and water
Specification Title Specification Description
Asset Life Extension
Optimises oil production over the life of the well by delaying water breakthrough and reducing gas-oil ratios
Interchangeable with any combination of inflow / outflow control valves to minimise inventory and allow flexibility on final completion design
Deployed as part of the lower completion or retrofitted into an existing well, mounted within a sub or integrated with sand screens.
Can be integrated with sand control screens for soft formations.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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TAQA Well Completions is a global specialist in advanced completions, production solutions and sand management for the oil and gas industry.

From simple to complex well designs, the company has extensive track record in enhancing productivity for clients’ reservoirs offshore and onshore. TAQA Well Completions invests in research and development, bringing to market disruptive technologies and offering solutions targeted to operators’ specific production challenges.

Established in 2009, TAQA Well Completions operates globally: regional hubs in Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, North America

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