FloatCHECKER PT Test Pod

2 Reviews
Deployed by 10 companies

Pre-Use Pressure and Load Testing of Float Equipment

Page last modified
April 11 2024

The FloatCHECKER PT Test Pod is a patented device that enables pre-use full pressure and load testing of oil and gas well primary cementing float equipment (float shoes, float collars, reamer shoes). It can test loose items with or without threads cut and items that have already been made up to the bottom of joints of casing. It can test new items to prove no manufacturing faults or older items to prove no storage/age deterioration.

Pros & Limitations
Can test float shoes, collars or reamer shoes
Can test loose threaded or unthreaded items
Can test items already on the bottom of joints of casing
Test new items to prove no manufacturing faults
Test older items to prove no age deterioration
Test with water ideally or substitute water based mud or actual drilling mud
Only available for up to 20" float equipment
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Oil and gas well primary cementing float equipment.
Float shoes, collars, reamer shoes up to 20” casing sizes.
Low cost maintenance.
Patents granted in UK, USA and Malaysia.
Up to 5000psi test capability as standard.
Easy and safe to use with built in safety rupture disc.
Float shoes, float collars & reamer shoes.

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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A UK headquartered upstream oil and gas service sector business providing products and services for well construction through to abandonment. Sudelac was founded in 2010.

The company offers a number of services on a consultative basis and can assist or fully manage new product development, early commercialisation/ product growth, as well as Equipment Assurance Services (Third Party Inspection and Failure Investigation). In addition the company offers surplus oil-field equipment brokerage services to help connect sellers to buyers on a commissioned basis.

Providing Fuel Additives and Eco-Friendly Lubricants that Reduce Emissions, Increase Efficiency and Lower Operating-Maintenance Costs.

In response to the drive to reduce the impact of combustion engine emissions and to improve fuel efficency as we move towards net-zero and the energy transition we have established a relationship that allows us to offer products to help achieve this.


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