Flare Sirus

0 Reviews
Deployed by 2 companies

The Advanced Insight Engine delivering Intelligent Search & Classification

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Flare’s graph-based Insight Engine, Sirus, is an advanced Information Management Platform, supporting the world’s leading oil and gas companies to optimize their business-decision-making processes. Sirus is built on Flare’s vision of “integrated business information” and delivers highly scalable, out- of-the-box Intelligent Search, capable of augmenting and enhancing existing search and document management systems and accelerating AI initiatives.

Sirus integrates Artificial Intelligence with conventional information management tools to ingest vast amounts of multi-siloed data and information, which is then contextualized by a knowledge base of taxonomies, reference databases and technical glossaries. This process produces an enriched index of relevant information populated with meaningful, standardized descriptions of the content, allowing the Intelligent Search tools to interpret search queries and deliver highly targeted and ranked results.

Pros & Limitations
Massively scalable graph technology available for immediate deployment.
Dramatic improvement in search recall, precision, relevance and ranking.
Integrates multiple repositories using a single metadata layer.
Provides flexible components for master data management, taxonomies, reference data and glossaries.
Creates a foundation capability to deliver information & knowledge management.
Delivers compliance, regulatory reporting and stage gate processes
Can automate laborious or difficult tasks such as classification, security and records retention.
Supported by Flare’s experienced consultants and services team.
Requires management buy-in and change management to alter beliefs and embed new behaviors.
Information Management is typically seen as a cost exercise rather than a value creation opportunity.
Specification Title Specification Description
The platform provides IM functionality for search, tracking, taxonomy management and automated metadata tagging and classification, as well as a number of additional integrated applications.
Sirus and the supporting modules can be configured to address business requirements and solve information management problems
Web Enabled
All modules are web-enabled and support web services that allow other systems to integrate with Flare tools
The security module is robust, flexible and customizable.


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Flare was founded in 1998 to address the needs of the global oil and gas industry. We operate as a virtual team with staff based in UK, USA and Canada. Our focus is Intelligent Search and Information Management and we offer a range of consulting, service and software solutions. Flare’s organizational aim and approach is to attract the best people to our business, earn the confidence of our clients and act as trusted advisors and proficient deliverers of effective Information Management solutions.

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