Fishbones Stimulation Technology

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Deployed by 2 companies

Connect your reservoir with numerous laterals created in one short pumping operation

Page last modified
November 21 2024

Fishbones Stimulation Technology consists of open hole liner completions that connect the well to the reservoir through a unique pumping operation. Small diameter laterals jet or drill out from the wellbore, penetrating the reservoir sweet spots to enhance hydrocarbon recovery. The core technology is the same across applications, but it is tailored to the specific geology. For carbonates, coal bed methane, and oil sands, Fishbones Jetting solutions utilize high velocity fluid jets to penetrate the formation. The laterals can extend 10+ meters to bypass barriers and connect faults and fractures. In consolidated formations like sandstone and basement rock, Fishbones Drilling solutions use mechanical drilling to create laterals for stimulation. Both jetting and drilling techniques precisely stimulate desired zones while reducing power consumption and environmental impact compared to traditional hydraulic fracturing. The technology is feasible in new and existing horizontal, deviated, and vertical open hole wells. Fishbones improves reservoir connectivity, combining operational efficiency of open hole slotted liners with productivity akin to fracturing.

Pros & Limitations
Proven track record
Increased reservoir connectivity
Penetrate impermeable layers
Bypass damaged wellbore formation
Increase accessible reserves
Accelerated production
Accurately stimulates sweet spots
A tailored approach
Reduced infrastructure
Lower load capacity compared to hydraulic fracturing
Specification Title Specification Description
Liner compatibility
4.5" liner systems
5.5" liner systems
Completion type
Open hole
6"-6.5" OH
8.5" OH
Installed as part of the lower completion
Formation types
All types of formations including carbonates, sandstones, conglomerates, basement


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Fishbones AS is an oil and gas technology company located in Sandnes, Norway. The company specializes in developing innovative well stimulation technologies for the global oil and gas industry. Fishbones was founded over a decade ago and has dedicated itself to creating the next generation of technologies for well stimulation and production optimization. The company works in conjunction with prominent industry operators to tailor solutions. Fishbones' team includes experienced professionals in various roles such as engineering, sales, and field operations

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