Electrochemical Hydrogen Compression and Purification (EHPC)

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Deployed by 1 company

The new standard in hydrogen compression

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Electrochemical compression of hydrogen is based on the following mechanism: hydrogen is supplied to the anode side of the membrane surface where a platinum-alloy catalyst splits the molecule into protons. The electrons are transferred via an external circuit to the catalyst layer on the opposite side of the proton exchange membrane (PEM).

HyET Hydrogen supplies complete hydrogen compression and purification units. Our modular design allows us to build units exactly tailored to customer applications. Additionally, this modularity allows for incremental capacity increases should demand for compressed and/or purified hydrogen increase over time.

Pros & Limitations
No moving parts - lower maintenance
High reliability and availability
Low energy consumption
No vibrations
Silent and safe operation
Compression in one stage (>90 MPa)
Pt catalyst is sensitive to the presence of hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide
Specification Title Specification Description
Modular design | More stacks = more capacity
Minimum: 2 kWh/kg | Maximum: 7 kWh/kg
Hydrogen Flow Rate
Minimum: 1 Nm³/hr | Maximum: 2000 Nm³/hr
Input: 0.1 – 450 barg | Output: 30 – 900 barg
19” cabinet(s) (< 20 Nm³/hr) | 10 ft container(s) (<2000 Nm³/hr)
Ambient Temperature
All climates
Higher output pressure, alternative coolant and alternative installation areas possible.


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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HyET develops technologies that enable the large-scale introduction of decentrally generated renewable energy. The group provides essential pieces of the puzzle to create performance and cost parity between renewable and traditional fossil energy applications.

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