DareToCare Safety App

0 Reviews
Deployed by 3 companies

Report incidents and near misses, digitize forms and manuals

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Dare to care for safety. eWorks helps companies with learning tools and an app that improves the safety culture in your company. With our safety app you give your colleagues the tools and the responsibility they deserve. Our DareToCare safety app makes reporting and asking questions very easy. Share your (safety) instructions and manuals and offer digital forms. The safety app enables everyone to work safely together!

Pros & Limitations
Report incidents and near misses without the barriers of complicated procedures or paperwork
The library function allows employees to easily access documents, manuals, instructions and forms
For efficient administration of toolboxes and other safety meetings you can scan a QR code
Share important tips that are saved in the app. In this way you increase safety awareness together and strengthen the safety culture
Send push notifications to specific departments or groups of employees
No signature function to sign the forms
No dashboard function to analyze the reported incidents
Specification Title Specification Description
Cloud Platform
You can start right away without any IT involvement.
The DareToCare safety app gives easy acces to our library of (online) Toolboxes to train yourself. Keep knowledge up to date and increase safety awareness with our e-learnings.
For every industry where you want to increase the safety awareness of your employees.
The DareToCare Safety App is used for digital forms, safety instructions and manuals.
On- and offline.
Forms (like work place inspections or audit forms), Manuals, PDF forms, Toolboxes, E-learning, checklists.
Business Efficiency
No more paperwork. increase employee involvement. Stay in touch with your colleagues anytime and anywhere.
Easy to use and install on your phone or tablet.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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A safe industry is about the safety of your employees and about their actions. eWorks is a young and dynamic organization that is passionate about developing and delivering innovative digital learning solutions.

We provide a safe (online) environment where you are allowed to make mistakes and learn from extensive feedback. With our innovative learning solutions you continuously and in different ways pay attention to safety, increase safety awareness in the workplace and ensure real behavioural change. Together we take the safety culture to the next level.

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