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Automated and real-time asset tracking to cut costs and maximize productivity

Page last modified
April 11 2024

An award-winning automated change management software, utilizing RFID technology and sensors to monitor, track, and manage mobile and critical assets in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Pros & Limitations
AssetVoice™ is compatible with any CMMS, ERP or EAM so that changes are automatically updated in real-time
Meet your objectives with less effort by relying on automation
Ensure your asset register is kept up to date and accurate
Be alerted on asset movement to track your most valued assets in real-time
Be notified on critical equipment requirements, e.g. certification is due to expire
Save money by avoiding unnecessary purchases of inventory you already have in stock
Reduce workload and human induced error associated with master data updates and change
Understand the status of your assets and where they are located, anywhere, at any time
Have immediate access to key information related to assets, such as certification and technical specifications
Requires physical tagging of equipment before AssetVoice™ can be implemented
Specification Title Specification Description
Allowing you to execute maintenance at the right time, on the right equipment. Alerts that can be set up can act as reminders for key maintenance activities.
Assure assets are safe and fit for use before they are issued for service and that processes are adhered to, creating a robust safety culture.
Ensure procedures are available to the users and are adhered to throughout the process.
People tracking
Track people throughout their journey, from prisons to hospitals, AssetVoice provides real time intelligence on people's location and key information relating to them, at at time.
Asset management
Make informed decisions using up to date and accurate data to streamline your asset management decisions to reduce risk, assure profitability and unlock efficiencies.
Cloud platform
An award winning, secure cloud based platform.
Automated reports, alerts and notifications enable users to have full visibility to manage assets in the most efficient way possible.
Award winning automated management of change software utilizing RFID technology and sensors to monitor, track and manage assets in the most effective and efficient way possible.
Automating the digitalization of asset information. Through automation technologies, AssetVoice can update any CMMS, ERP or EAM to ensure physical movement and change is captured electronically.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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ABL is a leading independent global energy and marine consultancy, working in energy and oceans to de-risk and drive the energy transition.


ABL's Asset Integrity Management division offers consultancy, service, and software provider focused on delivering solutions to asset and maintenance managers who want to manage their assets in the most streamlined, logical, and cost-efficient way. 

Using our bespoke software in collaboration with our subject matter expert consultants, we provide advice and solutions to rationalize and prioritize maintenance investments based on risk and return on investment. 

This helps our clients to spend money in the right place and at the right time, ultimately enabling the asset to be more productive, reliable, and efficient.


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