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Low risk digital transformation

Page last modified
April 11 2024

AssetHive is an intelligent data hub that cleans your data using a three-step approach of data integration, data harmonisation and data consumption. AssetHive combines data from many different sources and harmonises only the data that is needed for further consumption. This process involves the linking of workflows to data which provides a basis for applying data science and analytics for improved decision making.

To make data available in a consumable way, AssetHive harnesses the power of a digital twin and the efficiencies of a connected-worker through a tablet enabled interactive 3D model.

Your introduction to AssetHive is low-risk through our already validated Corrosion Inspection & Refurbishment workflow. At its core, AssetHive utilises a meta-data model which integrates with your existing systems without doing away with already trusted processes. This ensures provisioning of scale-out to other workflows such as maintenance, hazardous area inspections and turn-arounds, steadily becoming your all-embracing asset management tool.

Pros & Limitations
AssetHive is an intelligent data hub which connects your data to workflows
The AssetHive data hub connects all of your asset's data-streams and enables harmonisation of data
Run analytics on your data to drive anomaly detection and create insights
AssetHive draws useful insights from the data enabling management by exception so teams can optimise time spent on critical tasks
The AssetHive team works alongside your data scientists to keep your objectives centre stage
Requires import of data into the AssetHive system
Specification Title Specification Description
Areas of Application
Oil and Gas | Mining | Greenfield projects | Brownfield projects | Maintenance
AssetHive is not an off the shelf solution; it’s configured to suit your processes and adapt to ongoing changes. The technology does not disrupt your current systems but instead adds value through the use of APIs.
Data Analysis
Data is harmonised to enable analytics to draw from complete and structured data-sets, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and responsive on both web-based and tablet applications. This enables delivery of valuable insights to both teams based in the office and out in the field, empowering connected workers.
APIs are used to integrate data into the AssetHive data hub and to expose data to the wider business for further use with other applications.
Return on Investment
Massive savings are delivered across reduced execution hours, engineering support, back office support, schedule and scaffolding requirements.
3D model driven interactive search, drill-down to granular asset based historical and current information searchable from both tablet and web-based platforms.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Silverhorse Technologies is on a mission to bring the transformative benefits of digitalisation to large-scale infrastructure projects and assets. Founder Raymond Weeda successfully launched Silverhorse as a completions and commissioning software provider. Sensing that the oil & gas industry was ripe for digital transformation, Raymond then made the strategic decision to pioneer an ambitious data-based approach to asset management. And so AssetHive was born. Since then, Silverhorse has assembled an impressive board of industry professionals with the reputation, experience and commercial drive to deliver on AssetHive’s huge potential.

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