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An advanced technology that monitors for integrity threats, allowing operators to act before damage occurs.

Page last modified
May 5 2024

Imrandd's latest technology ALERT, offers a revolutionary way to manage large physical assets. The system is designed to ensure your understanding of the threats (damage mechanisms) to your asset are identified before corrosion even takes place. It provides visual and mathematical modelling of degradation, down to test point level, making event-driven inspection a reality for complex assets. The ALERT system capability enhances how operators currently manage their assets, enabling them to be more proactive and one step ahead.

Pros & Limitations
Enhances visibility by capturing discreet operational changes that stay within IoW thresholds. The tool provides in-depth insights where operators can access a wide range of asset data in one place. Visualise integrity issues and understand their impact.
ALERT enables event-driven inspection – moving your asset towards proactive event-driven inspection.
ALERT allows operators to detect and flag changes – identifies system changes and hot spots that could affect integrity and RBI.
The tool estimates 20-40% reduction in inspection workload whilst enhancing safety and performance.
Alert does not provide the analysis of the lagging indicators identified e.g. inspection data. However, this can be applied through our EXACT software tool.
Specification Title Specification Description
Live Process Flow
Gain a near real-time view of asset processes with an alarm system for corrosion or remaining life thresholds.
Drilldown Capability
Easily access detailed information on anomalies.
Data Quality Metrics
Access underlying data quality metrics and plots.
User-friendly Setup
Recognisable technical drawings with coloured status indicators to keep you informed.
Customisable System
Create your own dashboards to focus on what matters most to your asset.
Future Insights
Simulate the effects of upcoming process changes and predict degradation rates.


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Technology Readiness Level

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.


Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Asset Integrity, Asset Management, Engineering and Consultancy Services.

Imrandd was born from a desire to disrupt the way industry manages asset integrity, improving asset performance and profitability.

Frustrated with inspectors driving critical engineering decisions, and the common assumption that integrity management was based on carrying out as many inspections as possible. Imrandd was created to break the cycle and help asset owners manage integrity efforts from both a commercial and engineering perspective. 

Our team of subject matter experts and utilisation of our suite of software tools, Imrandd have been challenging the status quo and turning traditional integrity management on it's head. Using data to deliver the best outcomes. 

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