360° Digital Twin and 3D Visualisation Solutions

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Deployed by 6 companies

Visualisation of assets using 360° Digital Twin technology

Page last modified
April 11 2024

APIteq is the world leader of advanced 360° Digital Twin Visual Asset Management software and 3D Photo Scanning to the Oil & Energy industry. Digitalization and visualisation of your asset contributes to cost saving by reduced travel and planning, increase productivity and communication.

Visualisation of your assets using our 360° Digital Twin technology provides high quality 360° full spherical photos with built in 3D measurements and 3D models, all viewable in your browser

Pros & Limitations
Reduce project costs by reducing travel
Reduce emission by limiting travel
Increase productivity, availability and communication by using a digital twin of your asset in meetings, planning with subcontractors and key personnel.
Perform 3D measurements in the 360-photos and save planning time.
The Civetta Camera might not access tight areas, but the area can be accessed using our other product, the 3D Photo scanner which is suitable for smaller areas.
Specification Title Specification Description
Asset Management
Interactive maps | menus | navigation capabilities
3D measurements (vertical, horisontal, diagonal)
Ability to add URL-links to live sensor information
3D Modelling
Precise 3D Point Cloud models


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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APIteq is the world leader of advanced 360° Visual Asset Management and 3D Photo Scanning to the Oil & Energy industry. Our trade mark is quality and customer focus. APIteq visualises your assets using our Digital Twin photo scanning technology, providing high quality 360° full spherical photos with built in 3D measurements, 3D models, all viewable in your browser.

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